Members of the Association
Our mission is to defend and promote freedom in the media, quality journalism, to help maintain professional standards, to lobby the interests of regional media in the legislative field for the prosperity of independent media in Ukraine.
Chernihiv, Sumy, Nizhyn, Slavutych
Chernihiv Media Group
an independent regional media company of the north of Ukraine: innovation, balance of opinions, interactive with our readers
«The Association unites small independent media companies from different regions of Ukraine, forming a powerful industry network. The Association defends the principles of quality journalism and independent media, protects the media industry in general and the interests of regional media in particular. Communication, values and development – that’s what our company appreciates the Association for”.
Yaroslav Sukhomlyn, CEO
Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia region
We publish an authoritative, high-quality, professional newspaper
«Our long-term cooperation with AIRPU is an opportunity to communicate with colleagues, receive information about new media trends, maintain contacts with foreign partners, search for donors who can provide methodological and financial assistance».
Hennadiy Derybas, CEO
Rivne, Rivne region, Lutsk, Volyn region
Vydavnychyi dim “OGO”
The only one what is needed for a successful business
«All platforms created by the Association are an opportunity to exchange experience and ideas. Also our cooperation unites us in difficult times. Our cooperation shows that one in the field is not a warrior»
Svitlana Omelchuk, CEO
Odesa and Odesa region
Tsentr media
Odesa life and our media are sources of useful, true, reliable information for our readers
«In the Association we are united by one idea: we make independent successful media. We communicate, learn and help each other. Especially now, in difficult times for everyone, such a partnership is incredibly supportive».
Hennadiy Chabanov, CEO
Kremenchuk, Poltava region
Vydavnychyi dim “Pryvatna hazeta”
Kremenchuk Telehraf and our projects: the sources of honest news and verified information. Know more – live better
All regions of Ukraine
Persha mis’ka kompaniya
Value your time in the future
Khmelnytsky region
Redaktsiya “YE”
It is the main source of relevant, important and useful information.
«The Association supports us and helps our media to develop successfully. Your help has become for us not only an important financial factor, but also a reliable partner. You believe in us, and we believe that together we will win! Your support brings our Victory closer!»
Serhiy Ishchuk, CEO
Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Koziatyn
RIA Media
An independent journalism for the better life quality of our communities
«We have one goal – to make media successful as a business. The Association has been helping and supporting us for many years. None event of AIRPU is left out of the attention of our teams – from the media congress to educational webinars. Effective interaction with AIRPU is important for us, we feel support and joint steps forward».
Oleh Horobets’, CEO
Kherson, Kherson region.
Redaktsiya hazety “Hryvna”
We build a strong European democratic community through word and support it
“AIRPU – is the support: informational, technical, technological. Now, in difficult times, this is a huge financial and technical support. And itis also effective networking at all fantastic events”.
Mykhajlo Novytskyi, CEO
Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi region
Redaktsiya hazety “Molodyi bukovynets’”
The favorite newspaper of Chernivtsi
«Cooperation with AIRPU allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times, exchange experience with colleagues, monitor and respond together to new trends in Ukraine and the global media industry».
Bohdan Zaрayskyi, CEO
All regions of Ukraine
VD “Khaziayin”
Sports analytics, useful tips
«Associations – thank you very much for the support: informational, for relocation, with equipment and paper for our newspapers! It is important to be together with like-minded colleagues. Always in touch. Both in grief and in joy»
Artem Bryzh, CEO
Zaporizhzhya region
Mij Rayon
Honest news from your region
«Thanks to cooperation with AIRPU, 17 years ago we turned from a young media into the main one in the region. Every time, after every editor’s camp or media congress, we get invaluable experience from colleagues and interesting speakers. And now, in dark and difficult times, we can survive thanks to support and help from the Association. This is invaluable cooperation and solidarity!»
Liudmyla Sova, Chief-editor